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Top Biological Dentist: This Is The Best Way To Avoid Harmful Chemicals In Your Everyday Routine.

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If you’re concerned about harmful chemicals in your daily routine, or what toxins are hidden in your toothpaste, keep reading this short article to discover the shocking truth.

Hi, my name is Dr. Oliver and I’m a biological dentist from the United Kingdom.

I have 10 years of clinical experience across the United Kingdom and the Gulf, treating patients from all over the world.

Since switching to Biological dentistry, I have helped over 1000 patients identify and eradicate potential toxins that could lead to systemic diseases such as

It’s astonishing to see how many people are putting their health at risk by..

Ingesting Some Of The Most Toxic Substances On A Daily Basis

But it wasn’t until last year that I finally cracked the code on how everyone can avoid these toxins.

It started around three years ago, when I began digging through hours of clinical studies on typical ingredients in traditional toothpaste and their potential adverse effects on your health.

The toxicity of these ingredients truly shocked Me.

Shocking Toxins In Toothpaste

What if I told you that Fluoride isn’t the only toxin in toothpaste that can cause health issues?

That’s right. There are typically more than five ingredients that can lead to ill health.

So, simply switching to a non-fluoride toothpaste only solves part of the equation.


The table shows just some of the potential toxins in toothpaste. It will shock you.

Ingredient Use Potential Side-effects
Fluoride Remineralizes enamel Neurological damage, Skeletal fluorosis, Endocrine disruption and ADHD in Children.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) Allows foaming of the toothpaste Gum Irritations, Canker Sores and Hormonal Imbalances
Parabens Preservative Hormonal Imbalances
Propylene Glycol Prolongs shelf life Mouth irritation and organ toxicity
Artificial Sweeteners Sweetens the taste Digestive Issues
Triclosan Anti-bacterial Endocrine Disruption and Antibiotic Resistance

Here’s the bad news…

The properties of 5 of these ingredients are vital for a toothpaste to be effective and not spoil.

And toothpaste is only effective if left on your teeth after brushing, so simply rinsing after won’t solve the problem.

But, leaving it on will mean that you swallow some.

So, what is the solution?

The solution is to find replacements for all of these ingredients, that are just as effective and non-toxic to health…

But how do we do that?

Lots of holistic doctors and dentists will tell you to use fluoride-free toothpaste which contains only herbal remedies, or other preventative measures such as oil-pulling.

Whilst these may help with soothing gums, they don’t protect against dental cavities.

Trust me, I’ve seen hundreds of patients with cavities because they have been using homemade remedies that don’t contain ingredients that prevent caries or remineralize enamel.

That’s why lots of people that walked away from fluoride toothpaste, have now gone back to it to prevent further cavities.

Luckily, there is a solution

Get All The Benefits of Traditional Toothpaste With a Simple Switch (With All Naturally Derived Ingredients)

It’s all possible thanks to the mineral called “Hydroxyapatite”

It is a naturally occurring mineral that remineralizes enamel, helping to strengthen the teeth, reduce sensitivity and prevent plaque accumulation.

It works by binding to the tooth surface and penetrating dentine tubules, and rebuilding the tooth surface.

This mineral is all-natural and is found naturally in 97% of your tooth’s enamel and 60% of bone…

So it is completely natural and safe for everyone.

The only problem was that it was very expensive, and not available in the correct particle size to be effective on the tooth surface.

So, I did some of my own research and found the perfect source with a particle size that is both effective and completely safe.


This allowed us to solve the problem of finding a suitable alternative to toxic toothpastes.

Introducing MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Remineralizing Toothpaste.

[Insert photo of bottle]

MILTODENT Micro-Hydroxyapatite Natural Remineralizing Toothpaste is the only natural toothpaste on the market that contains Hydroxyapatite in its natural form, without the use of Nano-particles or any toxic ingredients.

From first use, the hydroxyapatite will start to bind to the tooth surface and start repairing the enamel.

This will start naturally remineralizing the tooth structure to reverse damage caused by erosion, wear, and decay.

These minerals will safely, and effectively strengthen, reduce sensitivity and prevent decay of the tooth surface.


As a result, you can get all of the benefits of a traditional toothpaste, plus more, without the health risks of toxic ingredients.

MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite is unlike any other natural toothpaste you have tried before.

Let me be clear. You’ve never experienced anything like MILTODENT Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste in your entire life- no matter if you’ve tried every other toothpaste there is out there!
This toothpaste is much more powerful and safer than any other natural remedies or toothpastes out there because it contains Micro-hydroxyapatite, at a concentration of 15% and all naturally-derived ingredients, so doesn’t require the need for nano-particles or any other toxins to be effective. 


Before long, you’ll be able to reverse early cavities and enjoy those cold drinks, without any sensitivity or side effects.

Here’s how to use MILTODENT Toothpaste for optimal results

All you need to do is bush for 2 minutes, twice per day, like any other toothpaste, with a pea-sized amount.

For optimal results, you want to use first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and spit out without rinsing. That allows the toothpaste to work for longer on your teeth for added protection.

The lack foam-free formula and consistency may feel weird at first, but after a few uses, you will never want to return to your original toothpaste.

The sensitivity will begin to fade, your teeth will start to feel stronger and you will notice an increase in brightness of your teeth. Something you’d never think you’d be able to do with just a toothpaste.

Neurological Disorders (Such as Alzheimer’s and ADHD, Anxiety, Depression)

Here’s what Heather says about here experience with MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste
[insert testimonial]
MILTODENT has already helped 1000s of people around the world switch to a natural alternative to traditional oral health care products.
[insert photos of people using it]

People who switched to MILTODENT after they experienced a decrease in sensitivity and overall improvement in their oral health after using MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste

[Insert review screenshots from website].


Think about your current oral hygiene routine now. 

Would you welcome relief from teeth sensitivity and exposure to toxic ingredients?

How about that rash or that dry-mouth that you may have been suffering with for years that could be easily cured by simply switching toothpastes?

Would it allow you to enjoy your daily life a little more knowing that you’ve cut down your exposure to toxic ingredients?

Imagine not having to worry about what toxins you are putting in your mouth every morning and night…

No Fluoride


No Parabens

No Triclosan

Just natural, effective ingredients

All with the added benefits of increased tooth strength, reduced sensitivity and reversal of those early cavities. 

Imagine being able to start your journey to a healthier lifestyle with this one simple change.

That is suitable for the whole family.

The feeling of a healthier smile.

There’s a world of difference between living your life, knowing which toxins you’re putting in your mouth and being able to eradicate it.

And I’m excited to being able to experience it for yourself.


You won’t find MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste in stores.

My mission with MILTODENT toothpaste is to be able to make toxin-free toothpaste available to as many people as possible.

That’s why we sell directly to our cusotomers.

We rely heavily on word of mouth.

We believe that if the product works, the word will be spread.

Meaning more and more people will be more consious of the toxins you are exposing yourself to.

Thats the reason for this article.

And you don’t have to invest hundreds of dollars searching for an all-natural toothpaste that is both safe and effective.

In fact, you don’t need to invest hundreds of dollars at all

If you check our official website or Amazon, you will find this very toothpaste available for just 15 dollars.

And many, including myself still consider this as a steal for a 15% Hydroxyapatite formula.

But today, you’re not going to pay 15 dollars.

Because today, I’m offering MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste for just 12 dollars.

That’s 25% off retail price…

But that’s not all.

Today I’ve decided to do something different…

Because you’ve made it this far into the presentation, it’s obvious you’re serious about your health, and you are interested in seeing how this one of a kind alternative solution can help you the same way it’s helping thousands of others switch to a toxin-free lifestyle.

Which is why I want to let you try this toothpaste at a special price, available only through this article on this page today.


Claim Your EXTRA 10% OFF

If you decide to try MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste now, you become eligible for an EXTRA 10% OFF, making this a HUGE 35% OFF retail price.

For a Limited Time Only, I’d Like To Offer You MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste for Just $9.75.

Remember, this is the only place you will find MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste at such a low price.

Once you click away, the offer is gone.

The Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste will cost less than this again.

Right now, you can try yours for just $9.75

That’s just 33 cents per day for toxin-free, enamel repairing toothpaste.


GET 35% OFF 

Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste NOW!

With our 2-Week Challenge – You Will Never Return To Your Regular Toothpaste!

See… I’m so firm and confident in the effectiveness of this toothpaste that without a second thought we provide a 14-day money back guarantee.

This means if you aren’t absolutely thrilled with this toothpaste, MILTODENT will refund every dollar you paid.

We’re making this guarantee because we’re confident you are going to love the switch to MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste.

Now you have 2 weeks to test the toothpaste and see for yourself.

So click the big green “GET 35% OFF Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste NOW!” button below

GET 35% OFF 

Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste NOW!

If you don’t like the toothpaste and think that there is a better solution on the market, MILTODENT will return 100% of your purchase price.

And no, this is not a type of guarantee that every other company does nowadays.

This is no gimmick

Want proof?

Try emailing MILTODENT’s customer service.

Simply email  our support team at

It may sound out-of fashion, but at MILTODENT, they make their customers, their absolute #1 priority.

WARNING: By The Time You’ll Be Reading This, This Offer May Already Be Sold Out!

MILTODENT has already sold out 3 times in the past.

And this current stock is selling out faster than anyone could have anticipated.

So I encourage you to act fast.

Because chances are by the time you’ll be reading this…the stock may have already sold out again.

So without further ado…

Claim Your EXTRA 10% OFF

If you decide to try MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste now, you become eligible for an EXTRA 10% OFF, making this a HUGE 35% OFF retail price.

Here’s What to Do Next

Insert photo

Click that big green “GET 35% OFF Micro-hydroxyapatite NOW!” button.

It’s going to take you straight to the MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Amazon listing.

You will enter the special one-time discount code reserved for the reader’s of this article.

Here all you need to do is click the button that says  “GET 35% OFF Micro-hydroxyapatite NOW!” and the discount code will show.

From there, add the toothpaste to your cart and proceed to checkout, making sure you enter the discount code before clicking purchase.

So click on the big green button below and order your MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste today at 35% OFF!


GET 35% OFF 

Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste NOW!

GET 35% OFF 

Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste NOW!

Remember, There Is ZERO Risk

Insert image of risk and money back.

The only risk you could possibly face…

Is one of regret if you miss out on the opportunity to switch your toothpaste to MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste at this massive discount.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what’s going to happen if you decide to let this opportunity pass. I’ve seen it so many times with other patients.

And let me tell you, it’s NOT good.

You’ll keep exposing yourself to harmful chemicals in your traditional toothpaste.

Or wasting money on other “natural toothpastes” that aren’t repairing enamel or preventing cavities.

And this will only have bad long-term consequences.

I’m not saying this to SCARE you. I just want to WARN you and open your eyes to the bigger picture.

Because if left with your current habits, this can turn to a much bigger problem.

That’s why the decision you make today will be the most important decision in your life. So… What is it going to be?

Are you going to say “NO” to this opportunity and take chances with your health?

OR are you going to do the right thing…Order one tube today… And remove toxins from your daily routine?

Insert photo of arrows option 1 and option 2

Remember… This is not just about you.

This is about educating as many people as possible.

To the dangers of using products containing toxins on a day-to-day basis.

This is also about the future of your teeth.

And preventing expensive visits to the dentist.

You owe it to yourself to give it a shot.



You can turn things around.

You can start your journey to a healthier life.

You can get control of what toxins enter your body.

Many of my patients have already done it. You can do it too.

All you need to do is trade your current toothpaste, to MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste.

So without further ado…

If you are ready to do the right thing…

Click that big green button below to order your MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite toothpaste.

And remember, if it don’t like it after 2 weeks, you don’t pay.

GET 35% OFF 

Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste NOW!

UPDATE: As of February 02, 2025- The demand for MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste has increased dramatically and inventory has been flying off the shelves. Order yours for 35% OFF + FAST SHIPPING before it’s too late.

Lock in your order whilst you can to get 35% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to all states.

NOTE: This deal is NOT available to those who haven’t read the article.

Insert the offer photo again

GET 35% OFF 

Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste NOW!

The Missing Link: What Separates The Successful MILTODENT Customer From the Unsuccessful One?

Completely substitutes their original toothpaste for MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste.

Commits to use the product 2x daily for at least 14 days.

Flosses before brushing.

Doesn’t rinse their mouth after brushing.

Follows MILTODENT on social media for extra oral hygiene tips.

Knows that the brushing experience is going to be completely different to what they’re used to. 


Uses their original toothpaste alongside MILTODENT Micro-hydroxyapatite Toothpaste.

Doesn’t commit to using the product for at least 14 days.

Doesn’t floss, or flosses after brushing.

Rinses their mouth after brushing.

Doesn’t follow MILTODENT on social media.

 Thinks that the brushing experience will be the same as a traditional toothpaste.

The successful users commit to the process of switching and are open to the different brushing experience, which after 2 weeks, they will love. The non-successful don’t.

Users experienced:

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Top doctor of biological dentistry
